
Our clients’ company data is of the upmost importance to us. We stay up to date on the latest security threats and tools to keep our clients safe and running smoothly. Today, if someone has a security solution that is not being managed properly or not being updated for the latest threats, then it is not affective.

Firewall / Intrusion Detection

Our solution actively protects a business from outside attacks and can be customized for any specific business environment. We manage the solution and make sure that all protection services are continually updated. Our solution provides the following security and efficiency services; firewall protection, SSL inspection, active virus blocking, phish blocking, ad blocking, spam blocking, web content filtering, web caching, bandwidth control, Quality of Service (QoS), application control, and VPN access. In addition, it allows us to provide many different reporting summaries and statistics.


As part of our managed services programs, we provide and manage comprehensive computer and server anti-virus security protection. We provide clients with Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, and Spam Blocking (via Outlook Client), and keep it updated to combat the latest security threats.

Two Factor Authentication

With security breaches and digital crimes on the rise, safeguarding data has never been more important. Today, an extremely effective security protection method is two factor authentication. Two factor authentication, requires two steps in the verification process, making it very difficult to steal information. It requires both something known (a password) and something owned like a phone, tablet, or laptop. After the password is entered, a second code is sent to a phone, tablet, or laptop. Access is only granted when the correct code is entered.

Email Encryption

Today, many organizations need a higher level of security with their email. For example, financial, healthcare, and the legal industry process confidential information and communicate with their customers via email.  Therefore, we offer an affordable and highly secure email encryption service for our clients. Our secure mail platform provides complete end-to-end security. It is secure, fast and easy to use. With one click encryption a user can secure their mail from their own mailbox. We provide delivery slip and registered mail options and allow large file attachment encryption and delivery. Our service features centralized management and includes an Outlook plug-in, Windows/Mac desktop agents, and browser plug-ins. In addition, our service provides full featured functionality for mobile devices and we have an additional option for secure E-signature. 

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